
By Chetleycheese

It's my Mum's Birthday Today :0)

Thinking of my Mum, makes me think of my youth and how lucky I was. I thought my life was normal, that everyone went for a 'run' in the car at the weekends, went for walks and generally spent time together as a family. It's only as I get older that I realise that we were actually the exception. Other Dad's went to the pub, got drunk and fell asleep at the weekend or worse.

We were so 'normal' that it is actually abnormal. Don't get me wrong - there were arguments, nipping, huffs and parents not talking for days but we sorted it all out in the end.

So Happy Birthday Mum and here is my blip - my favourite Matchbox car from back when I was a kid. :0)

Happy days.

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