
By redridergirl

Back-lit Blood Oranges

The sun's bright and high enough in the sky lately to make you believe it's summer, if you close your eyes and turn your face towards it... A clever trick. It's actually -5 F.

So I wanted a bit of sunshine in my day to cheer me up, and I even got some vitamin C, too. I think it worked.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, but no blip. [Sorry!] 

A little bit more goodness for the day:

"I'd say, if it weren't for my fear of other countries, I would love to see the world, also if I didn't have such a weak stomach, I would try foreign foods, if I didn't have such awful allergies, I would go adventure outdoors, if I wasn't so damn scared of intimacy, I would have closer friends, and if I wasn't so terrified of the unknown, I would step out of my box. I know I am open minded, though, because I want to do all these things, I just can't."
-Greta Synpost

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