My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


I love writing. But I have been trying to write this particular story for rather too long, and when I finally thought it might be going somewhere, I realised just how rubbish the 20,000 words I have are. My characters are terribly inconsistent, and horribly shallow and everything about the story is weak and feeble.

The problem is I think, my sister and I made up this story over a few years playing with model horses and their riders, Playmobil, and Lego Belville dolls. What I have been trying to write is rooted firmly in our original ideas and storylines - with a few adjustments - but what I am slowly coming to realise is that these ideas are suffocating the possibilities of the story.

What this means is that June-August this year, I'm going to scrap the 20,000 words I wrote last November, start with my main character and some fresh ideas and see where they take me.

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