The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Mucky Pups

The best kind of supper* is one where you have to go straight from the table to the shower - such is the mess on your face that even a facecloth cannot suffice. I find anything pasta based with a tomato-y sauce usually does the trick. Couple that with a crunch corner yogurt chaser and you have yourself a couple of mucky pups.

*In the north-east of Scotland, breakfast is breakfast, lunch is called dinner and dinner is called supper. Unlike the glorious west coast where we have a post dinner, pre-bedtime snack called supper - a most ingenious invention allowing you to fully stock up your belly before retiring for the night. Here they indulge earlier in the day with in-between meal snacks called "fly cups" - these can be savoury (cheese and biscuits with coffee in the morning) or sweet (cup of tea and a "funcy piece" in the afternoon). Now that you know you'll be able to visit the North East and never be shocked if someone asks you round for your fly. They don't actually eat flies. Honest.

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