Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

things that I learnt today:

I am definitely not good if I do not have access to coffee at, or before, 8.50am (ok, this is a confirmation as opposed to a revelation)

my 'roaming profile' is too large - this did not worry me too much and I did not pursue further knowledge re: aforementioned 'RP' as we all know that ignorance is bliss and if in doubt, turn off computer and walk calmly away.

stories about fires in the car journey on the way to work in order to entertain fire obsessed child are in no way responsible for actual fire and full evacuation at work

it is quite simple to get a new shower fitted to run off a combi boiler

Levi Roots was on the Dragon's Den and has a range of Reggae inspired sandwiches (I already know about Reggae Reggae sauce)

Gatuso headbutted somebody else (does this vagueness count as new knowledge?) the other guy was a hard man or something

And other stuff

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