Change of plan

I took a photo on my phone, of my friend Sam, and one of her friends, stood in the doorway of her living room looking at the canvases that I finally took round tonight. I was blown away by Sam's reaction to them - to say that she liked them would be an understatement. I left, an hour later, happy as I could be - nothing to do with my ego, simply to do with how utterly over the moon she was to have a piece of artwork that had been done for her and that she just loved. It worked perfectly in her front room. Happy days.

However, the photo was so full of grain and noise that I jacked it into the bin.

Then James kindly offered to sit for some portraits.

This was my favourite.

The others are here

Thats all. My super friend, Paul is on the phone - I'm about to start haggling with him to do him a painting!

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