
My Mum phoned from Darlington this morning to tell Gran what time she'd be home. I spoke to her and told her that I wanted to go in the car, and in a boat (a blue boat) and that I wanted to paint some trees. Dad came home from work early and the three of us headed off to the Boathouse for some dinner. Before we went in, we went round to look at the boats. I didn't get to paint any trees, but two out of three ain't bad! I had lovely home-made fish fingers, chips and beans for my dinner. When we got home, we played Just Dance for a bit and then Mum ran me a bath. She put my new, blue fish-shaped bath mat in it, but I don't like it. I didn't want to get in the bath. I told Mum, "don't like it, it's new, it's different". Mum and Dad hope I get used to it, otherwise they'll have to buy me a mat just like the one I used to have.

People live on these boats. The man who lives on the boat Orla and I are looking at in this picture played a horn that made different animal sounds. Then he waved to her. She waved back. There were also two swans attacking a football attached to the side of his boat. That's what she was really impressed by.

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