Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

Some people are so mean

I dont know why I bother reading the comments at the end of an article I read online. They always seem to aggravate me. This woman is complaining about a spelling error. Yes, it's not very smart to have a spelling error, but does this woman really have to throw a fit? The author misspells deodorize with the second o bring an e, as a result deoderize. Come on! Let it go. Some people just don't have anything better to do than to talk trash.

Another note about being aggravated, I receive this conservative e-newsletter at work and it annoys the heck out of me. Ugh! I have to say it, but some people are just ignorant and only spend their time bashing others.

As my Spanish teacher says "Sean positivos." Be positive.

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