Nothing like having some fun with your 365th

Finally got here. I was a bit surprised to find that I had missed some days in the early stages. I think I took a picture every day but I guess I didn't have one that I liked very much on every day.

Had a lot of fun doing this. After a tough gym session I needed a hot bubble bath, so saw the opportunity to combine it with my 365th blip.

I have a few out takes with the camera going off before I got into the bath, but I ave been asked to leave these out. But here are a couple of other images I like as well.

I really was having a bath

I like to lie with my head under water

Thanks to all of your for your support over the last year. I have no idea what the next year will bring, and I am debating ending this journal and starting up under another name. We'll see. Right now I'm going to enjoy the rest of the champagne. Cheers!

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