Me and Max

By grete


I was not really supposed to be out taking pictures today. I have a complete list of to-do´s, and photography is not even on that list. So when I wrapped up this morning, I was really escaping my desk.

I was really planning a shot which included gulls, but the gulls were nowhere to be seen.

Instead I went into the valley to visit the ducks. Really I should have brought some food. The birds were resting and introspective and not much fun to play with. Though I did get three or four amazing shots, I mean, really amazing. Honest! I should really put them on flickr.

On my way back, I should really have taken the straight road home. It was snowing. I was cold. I was hungry. My camera was packed away into a makeshift black plastic bag (actually, the friend of the girl in the picture called me a bag lady :-) Really I should find a better and more neat solution to snowy/rainy weather.

All my settings were wrong, I had after all been shooting birds in a valley. Yet this girl was so kind, so beautiful and so friendly I could not resist her next to that breast, next to that sun. Really I should start thinking faster when it comes to settings, even when I am a little embarrassed to have asked someone to just freeze the position.

And really I should not sit here writing at all. I am going to my Italian lessons in a couple of hours time, and I have not done my homework. Really I should have started earlier.

But who cares. Really.

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