life is a wheel

By thebhoyfi

super furry animal

i love love love this guy and his band, the super furry animals. this is his latest solo (which i always think is unfair on the band that helps do it unless of course the person does it all themselves, which he didn't) album and tonight is the first time i've really sat down and listened to it. working till six, out looking at a job after, sorting stuff out on the laptop since so i've had music on. it's a like a holiday in your head. apart from my wife, celtic and guinness it's the one thing i love most of all. some of the production and string arrangements on this are brilliant and upon reading the sleeve i saw the name of irish psych pop legen sean o hagan from the high llamas which i'm listening to whilst i type, if you like the beach boys you'll love the high llamas or vive versa i suppose. anyway move plans moving along at a pace. anyone looking for a lovely 1 bed flat on easdter road leith edinburgh?? phew that was some rant, sorry

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