Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Upstairs and Downstairs

The sound quality on our cordless house phone wasn't very good (it was a hand-me-down from my son), and with the basement finished, C and I needed an intercom system to communicate with each other. The solution to both problems was to buy a new cordless phone with 4 handsets that can also be used for conference calls, or as an intercom. I'd done my research and had my eye on a couple of phones that were $20 off at Costco. When I went to buy one this morning they'd been reduced another $5. Good timing!

C and I also went looking for a rug for the basement but didn't find anything we liked locally, so I ordered one C found online. The bad news is that we'll have to wait 4 weeks for it.

I've been going up and down stairs and a ladder all afternoon, sorting out the garage, basement and upstairs office. It's a slow process, and even though we've gotten rid of quite a few things, there still seems to be a mountain of stuff to deal with.

I'm trying to avoid putting things that I don't need up above the garage, but that empty floor space is tempting. It's a good place to hide things from C -- she doesn't do ladders.

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