Trial and Error

By DawnC

Oh! What a tangled web we weave

I tried a couple of different crops on this but decided I preferred the straight-out-of-the-camera version, which is what I've blipped. I nearly went for this shot instead because I loved the idea of a seat in the middle of the woods without the usual view to look at, just trees.

Both of them were taken over Lynchmere Common this morning. It's a very friendly place. At the start of my walk I bumped into a lovely lady who goes by the name of Aunty Lou and is a dog minder. She gave me directions for a good route to walk, as I don't know the common all that well, and sent me off with a leaflet about the Lynchmere Society:

In 1997 a successful appeal was launched to buy 307 acres of common land. It was funded by donations from over 600 residents and local organisations with an award from the Heritage Lottery Fund. If the money had not been raised, it is likely that the land would have been developed for commercial forestry. It is now registered as a Local Nature Reserve.

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