
By craftynini

'Laughing Gas - NOT'

Week 2 of D-Day. And what a horribly traumatic morning for Pip AND me. Pip had another 2 teeth out, only this week she got the fear just after the first injection. I felt like crying and taking her home for a wee cuddle.

Thankfully I put my brave mum head on and she put her very, very brave kid head on and opted for some laughing gas. Just for the record, all is tickety boo now and Pip is awaiting the arrival of the tooth fairy!

Mary, the dentist was super cool, super parient and very kind again (thanks Mary). I think she may have had a wee dose of 'the gas' judging by this picture.

Pip is now recouperating with Ben and Jerry's chocolate Brownie ice cream and I'm wishing I still smoked. I could really do with one today.

And just for the record - it's your turn the next time Paul!!! Ok?

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