Adam Foto Man

By adamfoto

Death by Toilet Paper - Bathroom Series #1

Loud screams woke me up this morning. I thought it was the children playing in the nearby apartment. When the screaming turned into a muffled, "addahmmmm, helllpppppp!!, " I realized something was wrong. The toilet paper had gotten the best of my roommate - slithered around him like a boa choking its prey, he was having trouble breathing. The hairdryer must have followed suit - it wanted a piece of the suffocation action.

"Nooooooooooo..." I pitched myself through the door, and tore at the bloodthirsty bugger until its grasp let up.

My roommate's neck was black and blue, a bit of blood and a bit of pus had to be cleaned off, yet he knew he was lucky to have lived through such an attack.

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