
By dogwithnobrain

If You Love Someone......

It's a very difficult business, this thing called Love.

I am very, very, lucky to love, and be loved unconditionally, (well actually there are a few conditions on my side, but that's another story).

My mother loves me and my sister with all her heart. And We both Love her too!

I completely and utter adore and belove my children like nothing else on this earth. I hope and pray that they love me too, and the indications so far are good.

People are not always so lucky in love. People do not always find love first time round. People find love, and as Patti told us, "it's a Battlefield", (for those of you not of my generation, as mentioned by Jordin Sparks).

I had a boyfriend, once, a long while ago, and I told this to my Boy. He, the Boyfriend, not Boy, bought me a poster, it read, "If You Love Someone, Let Them Go, If they return, they are yours, if they don't, they never were". At the time I thought I was in love, at the time, I thought it was a beautiful declaration of love.

Then he dumped me.

I pondered those words long and hard and decided that he was giving me the choice - to let him go and see if he would come back. I let him go, and actually, to be honest I had forgot about him by the end of the week.

It was only when I recounted this tale to my Boy, that it occurred to me, that maybe he was letting me go - to see if I could come back. Hmm, he lost out on that one!

It's a very roundabout premise. Do you let them go and see if they come back? Do you fight for them? Do you hold on with all your might and not let them go? Will that make them run away harder?

I was lucky, I walked away, and walked into the arms of the one, that I know If I let him go, he'll still be there, in bed beside me when I wake up. He knows too, that I'm not going anywhere and for that, both of us are probably always going to be very grateful.

But grateful knowledge like that, doesn't come without tears, and years.

That is all.

Edited for the Loosewoman! I didn't want to appear over fawning mother

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