A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

Old postcard of Skye

This photo is so typical of the sort of photos I used to see in the old guide books and on postcard stands of the Isle of Skye. What was it about these pictures that made me want to come and live here? I really do not know yet still I feel an element of romance about the place.

Having had such a splendid day yesterday, it seems vaguely strange that it is so different today. Clare and I discussed our walk for today and I decided since on a Friday and for the weekend there are no traffic restrictions on the Staffin Road (part of it is being upgraded at present), we would drive up there and decide where to walk on the way.

Driving along I made various suggestions but eventually we decided to stop in Culnacnoc and take the path down to the shore. A long steep path. It started to rain so I left the camera behind. (Wish I had taken it now) However it was a good walk and the climb back up certainly got my old heart going. Clare even managed to run up some of it!

When we were approaching the vehicle I saw this view so I returned with the camera to record it. When we got home I downloaded the few pictures I had taken and scrutinised them. I decided this was perhaps the best which doesn't say a lot. Having processed it I felt that the treatment you see here complimented it.

The foreground houses are part of Culnacnoc (pronounced cul-na-croc with a soft c at the end) beyond is part of Breckrey. The partly snow covered hills creating the horizon are part of the Trotternish Ridge. The cone shaped hill is 'Sgurr a Mhadaidh Ruaidh' which I believe means 'The Hill of the Red Fox'. It is further away than it appears. One of the effects of a zoom lens shortening the perspective.

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