All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

A bit chilli today!

Today was Ethan's first settling in session at nursery. Even though it was a cold day, I decided to walk down with him. I've not been feeling too great over the past few days (sore throat / persistant headache) so thought the fresh air might do me some good. Grandpa walked down with us too, to remind himself where the nursery is! It only took about 25 minutes but Ethan fell asleep on the way there. As the staff had some paperwork to go through with me we decided to leave Ethan sleeping while we did that. He carried on sleeping for most of the hour we were there, only waking up 10 minutes or so before we had to leave! So it's hard to tell what he thought of the place haha!

In the afternoon, Granny and I went down to The Centre with Ethan. Several months ago I "bought" Ethan's big boy car seat using my advantage points at Boots so I got it for free. Well, we need a spare car seat for hubbies car too and I've finally managed to save enough points to get another free one! So I went in to Boots today to order this one. It's a slightly better model than the other one we have so I'm really pleased we've managed to get it free too!

My head was pounding by the time we got back though. I helped Granny make a bean chilli which my friend Hannah sent me the recipe for 2 years ago, promising me I'd love it! As I'd not taken any photos all day, a bean chilli blip it will have to be! Ethan even ate a wee bit too so I'm hoping it doesn't have any adverse effects on his nappies overnight!

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