
Into London to meet Mum and Echo at Euston Station - I was the designated meeter and greeter for their short sojourn in the Big Smoke.

Whisked them down to their palatial hotel, quick lunch in Leon on the Strand, then off to the Olympic Park at Stratford - both enthusiastic to see it, and I was curious to see what progress had been made since my last visit. The ArcelorMittal Orbit sculpture is already going up and should be fascinating neh bizarre.

Back to the centre of London, quick jaunt to Stanfords in Covent Garden for a few copies of Wanderlust and some books (in my top 5 favourite shops in the world easily), then upto Arbutus to meet J and the intrepid travellers for a delightful three course meal and a glass of vino. Possibly the friendliest waitress ever - such enthusiasm for the food, which was excellent as usual.

A swift nightcap with J, after escorting the weekenders to Les Miserables, before heading back home.

A quality day out.

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