Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

"The Bones of you"

This is Daisy with a broken bone.

Well to be honest a broken and currently healing bone.

4 weeks, 4 doctors and a nurse later she got an X-ray on an elbow pain. It had been broken.

Brave and hardy wee girl, she's put up with it for a month! Been to NHS 24 to see a nurse and a GP, follow up doc appt where she got anti inflammatory meds, Then another this week when an X-ray was ordered.
Poor daisyglaisy had to put up with a doubting Doc and made to feel like a bit of a failure which just wasn't fair 'cause she is a brilliant Mum!

So, good news Daisy's bone has correctly set itself. No need for re-break and plaster. Just a wee bit of physio in a couple of weeks.
Still cant believe she was so "coothie" about the entire affair.
I dedicate this

To daisy and her Mum for a difficult day today with loads of emotions swishing around inside them.

Thanks for looking

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