Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage


Precision....on the part of the craftsman and artist, not the blipper. This is the little house that Phil built. I share it here because it is a work of art and this is the little house and little studio that Phil worked meticulously on while staying at Annie's Cottage long before it was ever Annie's Cottage...while it was Paul's home. This was a fly by photo.

Paul has shared how precisely and carefully he attended to each detail. When I visited Phil here, years ago, I was struck by all the little interesting angles and lines and his eye for extravagant simplicity.

I suspect I will be on to another topic tomorrow, but I needed to finish my thoughts here tonight. It seems Mother Comfortwas on the same wave length with me today. I visited with her this evening and she reminded me that, last week, while discussing my uncle's care needs and Paul's role in helping out, out of the blue, she suggested we contact Phil. It was so strange and took us aback a little since his name had not come up in conversation with her before, although she knew him from long ago.

One more time, my heart was pricked with the realization we had encouragement to contact him last week and did not. It stung. One more time, I had to tell myself there is nothing to be done about it now, except to remember next time the opportunity arises, make the call, stop the car and visit if you can.

For now, I will let this, and my thoughts rest, and will not return to it...perhaps until the memorial next week.

Thank you for being faithful friends who have listened and let Phil become a little part of your lives too. It is my hope and prayer that we will all call those on our minds and tell them how special they are to us. Because, I have found, someone else will be on the mind tomorrow and we don't want to create a backlog of "must do's" when "I'm so glad I did's" are so much more satisfying.

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