Floating Weeds

By floatingweeds

"Emily! Is it a Full Moon??!!?!"

......shouted Morven up the stairs as we were getting ourselves together to go and meet our new neighbours this evening. "Look out of your window!" So I did, and yes, I do believe there was a full moon...

...and what a relief that was! All day I've had an underlying edgy feeling that clouded all my interactions. Something just didn't feel right...even the little bit of knitting I did at work today couldn't smooth out that feeling.

There was more training today - on the importance of crafts in our work (I work here http://www.garvaldedinburgh.org.uk/content.php?ref=page_home in the Puppetry Workshop). So we made our own knitting needles and did a bit of knitting.

Meeting the neighbours was nice, I especially enjoyed all the blushing and awkwardness coming from myself and Morven. Beacons of embarrassment we were!

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