One Man, Four Cats!

By MattHaighPhoto

Super Saturday

What a day....

Played football this morning, and although we lost, a noteable spectator made it an exciting game. None other than ex-England manager Steve McLaren. This was most unexpected given that it was pouring down and our average attendance this season is about 3!!!! (His son was playing against us, hence his attendance.) Would have loved to blip him but i was head to toe in mud and he wasnt hanging round!!!

Got home and Lizzie was finally back from the US, so it was great to see her.

Then finally, finally, finally there was some action on the bird table. Probably upwards of 20 starlings desended sparking a frantic dash for the camera. After fumbling it out of its case i had just enough time to get off a few shots before they left as quickly as they came!!!

Much better large.

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