
By Chromodoris

Not sure who was surprised the most.

This acount was my wife's idea, she has been posting her photos for a while now but because we have as a "team" thousands of what she calls "fantastic" shots she has decided today to delete all her previous "Blips" and upload our underwater (and sometimes above water) photo's.
Allthough i (the husband) take the actual shot my wife plays a big part in the final image.
The images we are going to upload have been taken over quite a few years and are from many different countries.
For those of you that dont dive i should explain a little of how the shots are taken. To start with they are taken underwater at various depths, sometimes cold water and sometimes quite warm, sometimes the sea is rough and you get thrown around, not the best situation to be taking photo's, no there is no tripod, no setting up the subject, like most creatures, fish will try to swim away when humans are near. At times the shot just does'nt come off for a multitude of reasons, poor visibility, too much debris in the water etc etc.
My wife is my buddy, i feel safe in the water with her, she is my best friend and my lover, without her the shots that we post would not be possible, she has the most amazing eyes and finds little critters that amaze our local guides.
We do not publish or sell any of the photo's we take, they are for our pleasure, we enjoy the travelling to great dive sites around the world, and just being in the water, the photo's are a bonus for us, we thought it would be good to share them. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

The image above is one of the first underwater photo's i ever took, in the photo is my wife and a Napoleon Wrasse, it was taken at Ras Mohamed, the southern most tip of the Sinai peninsula where the Gulf of Suez goes north west and the Gulf of Aqaba goes north east in the Red Sea.
Enjoy this and more to come.

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