Sad News

Today I arrived at work to find out the news that one of our favourite volunteers had passed away. Freeda had been ill for a while and we had visited her last week in hospital but none of us expected this news.

She started working with us just before the shop opened in 2004 (when I started there too) and was well known to everyone as she had great personality. She liked to torment the young guys who bring us deliveries, and they loved to play along. In her own words she'd have run to the hills if they'd reciprocated in any way. With her own special way with words she said she'd be healed down there anyway (not what you expect a 70+ year old woman to tell you!).

Freeda and I had a joint teuchter language which often left Wendy with no idea what we were talking about. Talk of puddicks, yows and broozin from our fairmin' background from the north east - it didn't seem like we were 40years apart in age. I think it was because of this and my more traditional farming childhood that she often spoke to me like I was a lot older than I am, and Wendy as if she was younger. She'd often say "oh you'll remember..." when often it was long before my time.

She loved her wildlife and living in Dyce she was able to see plenty without having to travel far. She fed the birds the seed from her bread and upon being late one day the cheeky wee robin tippy tapped on the kitchen window as if to tell her to get a move on.

The neighbours cat stayed with her for it's holidays (actually when it's owners were on holiday). I get the impression it must have always left a little chubbier than when it arrived, she spoilt the little lady a lot.

But that was just her, a huge heart and a great friend. So many things remind me of her, meerkats for one - I know she has a number of ornaments & cuddly critters. And today I kept looking at this Scottish bear, he sat at her side of the work table and she'd always pat him on the head and talk to him when she arrived. That makes her sound a little mad and I guess she was. That's why we all loved her.

Good night Freeda, sleep well. And for goodness sake don't start behaving now!

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