
By ausmossie

Very Very Very Cold Job

This guy has a VERY VERY VERY cold job. He just sits all day on top of the frozen river...
Selling hats.

You can see he's all rugged up and has insulation between him and the ice, but even with all that, its always colder at the river and the wind gets up down there. With wind chill its probably around -30 most days but there he sits... Selling hats.

Most people will already have hats when they come to the river. I doubt he sells many but I am sure that if they need one by the time they get to him, they are willing to pay almost anything for it and so he sits...
Selling hats.

Very few people stop and chat, I imagine he sleeps a good part of the day. Its not something I could do all day. Not something a lot of people could do I suppose. It's a lonely job, a cold job but that is HIS job...
Selling hats.

But I admire him. It is cold.. it does seem lonely and no, not a job for everyone. But... maybe that is how he feeds, clothes, houses and educates his family, by...
Selling hats.

I doff MY hat to you my man.. Good work.

Oh yeah. I never said it but I meant to. The bird from yesterday was a pigeon.

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