Dr Jones

By jones

Rubbish day

I had a rubbish day today.
I woke up feeling very rough. I'd been in a pub in London with a friend last night. I think in my old age, I've lost the ability to drink. Paracetamols and Ibuprofens were not doing what it says on the packet they should do.
There was an open day at work and I'd been asked to do a presentation at 11:45. I decided to go in early and get some work done in the office. My car journey to work took 90 minutes. The University is less than four miles from my house. Stupid road works. When I got to the University, everything was running late and because of a cock up, I couldn't do my presentation. I got home at 1pm. What a waste of a morning.
As soon as I got home, I had to take the girls to their kayaking club.
The central heating has been playing up recently and the plumber was in the house all day (9:15am --> 5:40pm). That'll probably cost an arm and a leg.
I dropped off my son at a party and then picked up the girls from kayaking. I announced that I wanted to go to Waterstones to pick up a book I'd ordered.
The girls had a hissy fit and here's a picture of the youngest looking really cross.
We never made it to Kingston - the traffic was still horrendous.
Hubby cooked a nice curry and then I went to pick up my son from the party. He'd been sick. Poor thing is not well at all and went straight to bed as soon as we got home.

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