
By schlimm

Health Service

This sculpture is located in the grounds of the Astley Ainslie Hospital.

I woke up this morning with a really bad back, a combination of sitting in a slumped position and carrying heaving things for the last two weeks culminated this morning in me being unable to walk properly and I had to let my family go away on their own.

A hot bath, tiger balm, painkillers and lying with my feet at a 90degree angle and having a snooze helped alleviate the pain so much that when the sun had made an appearance in the afternoon I was able to walk outside to prove to myself that I was indeed much better. It was only fitting to blip this sculpture then to illustrate my backpain. I always wonder why the doctor is standing back with his elbow propped up leaving the nurse to do all the caring. Surely doctors are meant to care just as much?

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