All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Upside down

Oh dear. Not only am I still feeling rubbish but we had an awful night with Ethan last night. Hubbie got up at 4.30am to see to him but couldn't settle him back in his cot, brought him through to us but that was no better, so ended up taking him downstairs to try to give me some respite. He finally got Ethan back to sleep around 6am so transferred him to his cot, before going off to work to do more overtime. I had hoped Ethan would then have a lie-in, having been awake for so long but no, he was up at 7am. However one bottle of milk later and he went straight back to sleep in my bed for another hour - phew!

It was still a hard going morning for me though as I really just wanted to curl up in bed and stay there. Hubbie came home around 1.30pm and an hour later I did head back to bed for a few hours. Ethan, however, just refused to nap at all today. In the end, hubbie took him down to PC world (having problems with our new laptop so having to take it in to be looked at) and Ethan fell asleep in the car on the way back. I was impressed when I realised that hubbie then managed to take him out the car and put him in his cot without Ethan waking up!

He has been really grumpy since he woke up though and has hardly eaten anything all day. Have tried to get him to bed sharpish but he's currently refusing to sleep now either. *Sigh*.

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