The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Wingardium Leviohsaaaah!

And so the Harry Potter madness continues.

We're enjoying the fact that the kids are all similarly taken with the wonderful Mr Potter at the moment, seldom do they *all* agree on which DVD to watch or which game to play, but HP seems to have captured all of their imaginations.

We bought them wands today from a favourite shop of mine over at Oyne. They are "proper" wooden wands and came in gorgeous cases; definitely heirloom pieces...which means they'll get to play with them until tomorrow and then I'll have to think of a reason to confiscate them ;-)

Ella is a bit concerned as to why the magic isn't working in her wand. We tried to tell her it was because she wasn't old enough to go to Hogwarts yet but she wasn't convinced. In fact, she reckoned it was because the battery had run out.*

*Not sure how we're going to tackle the whole Hogwarts thing. Both girls are convinced that it is real, and that they will receive their summons on their birthdays. Hmmmm. I really hope we don't have to build a replica Hogwarts in the garden, there's little enough space out there as it is.

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