
By iggyquiggy

The Sunday morning search for a 'Blue Potato'

It was an early start this morning and a trip to Manchester for a potatoe day at Hulme Garden Centre. It was a chance to buy some heritage seed potatoes and unusual varieties.
I had promised one of the schools I work with that I would get them a potato that has a blue skin and blue flash so they can make blue mashed potato! and this is it Salad Blue

I also found this one Highland Burgundy red potato so they can make red mashed potato as well!

This is an old variety I have heard so much about but never seen before Lumper. The Lumper potato, widely cultivated in western and southern Ireland before and during the great famine and was poorly resistant to the potato blight, but yielded large crops and usually provided adequate calories for peasants and laborers. Heavy dependence on this potato led to disaster when the potato blight turned a newly harvested potato into a putrid mush in minutes. The Irish Famine in the western and southern parts of Ireland, 1845-49, was a catastrophic failure in the food supply that led to approximately a million deaths from famine and to massive emigration to Britain, the U.S. and Canada.

Potates don't you just love them!

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