just allan

By allan

Sunday Sport

Our wagon train passing the Dunbar Colts playing at Hallhill. We were on our way to visit Red and family, laden with Japanese entertainment - Nintendo and Yu-Gi-Oh! kit worth enough to pay for a decent holiday. Unfortunately we were also laden with a rotten cold that explains yesterday's moaning. I think you can probably feel Malcolm and Duncan's mood as they dragged their bikes up yet another tiny wee slope.

Red minded the 7 children whilst I shot off to Asda, which was quite strange actually. I've not been to Asda for ages and it was an experience to observe the world getting on with things - as it does. My life has changed a great deal over the last year, and in particular over the last week, so revisiting an old familiar scene brought a fresh perspective.

By which I mean: what a great-to-be-alive day =)

(New Mogwai album playing just to top things off)

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