Say Goodnight x

By saygoodnightx


Hmm these are my eyes and my badly cut fringe I cut about 10minutes ago, I like it though!

Someone once told me you can see someones soul through their eyes, after that I always thought I had empty eyes ?


Yesterday I went and photographed my sisters triathlon shes only 11 but she kicked a**!

I didnt blip any as I got into a bad mood and went to bed

And today I got up earlier than usual to go and have lunch with mum, lucky I did get up as the electrian came to fix my light switch .. would of been awkward if I was still in bed

And in about 2 1/2 hours I have to go to work .. cannot wait till my first pay!

This week I decided is going to be awesome =)

Im going to Chch on thursday to go to 'Queens of the Stone Age' !!! Soooo excited! And also to go to a 21st where I will get to see all my polytech friends from last year .. I cannot wait!

Now im going to paint


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