Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


It's a table of invisible people, but only one is drinking coffee. I took this at coffee with James, where we decided that next year we're going to live in a house with 5 floors. Two will be mine, two will be his and we'll share one. We're going to have a husky, a cat and a giant tortoise. We'll have railings for my bike, and double glazing and electric heaters not gas. We're having a huge tv, and good broadband. This is such a realistic plan. Oh, and we're not spending over £350pm each. :)

I spent the rest of today either being bored in lectures or sleeping in them. It was a pointless day at uni, but my new lens came! Expect some photos from my Sigma 70-300mm DG APO Macro - but I do have to remember to take my tripod out with me.

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