Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

Clown Whoopies car...

Came cycling past this car on my way to my last lessons. I couldn't resist! The car was parked very close to Berchem Station, so I guess Clown Whoopy has another day job to go to...

Finished my 2nd internship today, now for writing the report... However, I just got my results back of all my hard work in January! Most of it was good, only one exam I might need to re-take in August. But my portfolios and my report on the 1st internship were all good.

Have my first job interview since a long time tomorrow. I have posted my CV in a teachers/school database and since then every day a school rings to see if I could come and teach on an interim basis. Nice to feel wanted (and to feel you've made the right decision of job change...). Have to brush up my interview skills, though!

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