Today's the Day
View from the Pier, Arnside
Today's the day for lunch with Today's the Day and Dr Today. A good day.
It was a grey tending to wet, grey weather day, but my mood was lifted anyway. First by being home next to the estuary, whose muted colours, moving mudbanks, and piping redshanks never fail to lift the spirits even when visibility is reduced to the dim shapes of woods and hills opposite. Second, by a lovely companionable lunch. And third, by a visit to the House of Sweat and Resin where despite two weeks off from climbing, I found I wasn't too unfit.
In between, the war time spirit was at work, everyone was good spirited and humoured and as well as getting on with real work, we were helping each other complete our 1000 word survival statements. Simon and I had a reciprocal arrangement, mutual guidance and support, the finished product will be so much better now.
I haven't reached the end of "The Road" yet. I read a few pages last night despite advice not to, and there was no anthropophagy (I think I've just made that word up, but it sounds better than the alternative).
Thanks to everyone for making such helpful and supportive noises.
Note: I've checked the 2011 blips, this is the first one from the Pier. I usually take a few photos here every morning: partly to record the dynamic movement of the mudbanks, and more importantly to have a blip in the bank.
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