Rich and Karin's Journal

By glamferal

The day the quake struck

It seems strange to be posting a photo today. The beautiful city of Christchurch lies in ruins with many lives lost and as I write many more still trapped and missing. In Dunedin the tremor could be felt quite strongly. My office is high off the ground, there was a blast of air then everything began to sway & I wondered if things were going to start to crack. Once things calmed down my first thought was Christchurch.
I took the photo of the reservoir just before the sun went down today. I had 2 reasons for doing this, the first was the tranquility of the scene and its contrast to the events of the day. The second was that the reservoir has been decommissioned due to earthquake damage (from a previous quake) and fear of collapse. The water level has been lowered dramatically to help to minimise this possibility.
As I drove through central Dunedin today on my way to take this photo the university students were out in force for the annual toga party. It seems so strange to me this contrast between life & death.

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