H2 is playing at blipping

By H2

Work in progress

Far be it from me to disobey Longshanks' instruction to stop sulking, I decided to go for an early blip today and put yesterday behind me. So I've travelled to London and snapped all number of things which had blippery potential.

And then I saw this. Actually, I have to admit that my attention was drawn because I saw a camera flash so who knows, he may be double blipped!

I'm on the South Bank fairly regularly as I have a client nearby; and I've always enjoyed this area dedicated to skateboarders and graffiti artists. I've seen quite a few of the former but never the latter until today. I like the fact that the area seems to be completely graffitied but there's always space for more creativity.

Well, we're all works in progress, aren't we? So why should a wall feel like it's complete?

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