Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Movement and Stillness

My thoughts and best wishes on this sad, awful day are with those of you either in New Zealand or with loved ones over there.

In a similar theme to Friday's blip, this morning I took some work and the camera downstairs for a little while. It's good to get out of the office and away from the computer as I'm doing quite a bit of planning and "big thinking" at the moment, which I still do best with pen and paper.

I wanted to try some longer exposure motion-blur shots of people walking past, but because I was facing the window, the longer exposure means I've blown the highlights a bit (I think I'd best do some more reading on spot-metering...)

Anyway, I liked the contrast in this shot between the movement of the students and the stillness of the two ladies on the bench. From this shot, it looks like I've caught them in the middle of a serious conversation, but they were generally smiley and happy, so I think it's just a timing thing.

And on a final, trivial tangent - myself, skippygirl and a couple of others from the office are off at lunchtime to have our feet nibbled by fish at the new "Appy Feet" place that's opened in town. Eek!

Better bigger

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