With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Bee orchid

I had a half hour session at the tennis club, but was rubbish. My lack of sleep last night put my concentration right off. I'm hoping it's just a plateau but I so enjoyed it anyway. Then I had to race back home to find my walking boots and drove the steep bit up to Son Bleda, where I met Suzanne and family and Katja for the end of their walk from Soller to the Port via the lighthouse.

I was too busy chatting away (sorry if I talked too much everyone!), but thank goodness for Katja's watchful eyes we saw these and giant orchids (?) I must check their proper names later.

It was a wonderful walk, views along the coast and then down to the port, with waves crashing in from the sea, (In fact there were surfers grabbing their two seconds before reaching the shore) and fabulous company of course. It was great to catch up with things and hear news from their busy and interesting lives.

I'm finally bathed with scorchingly hot water, feeling so much better for a good day out, and off to make some stew type thing yet to be decided. Back blipped for yesterday, but a bit uninspired! - A blip bleak day. The opportunities today more than made up for it, even if it was a little grey. I'll blog them later.

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