Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Double snowdrop...

... Doesn't sound a very scientific name, but this is what my Dad always called these lovely snowdrops.

This one is growing on a bank across the road from where I live. I've been meaning to catch it in sunlight, but after so many grey days, I realise that the season is almost over. So an 'almost sad' double snowdrop is my blip today.

I am sitting (most uncomfortably) in the kind of mess usually experienced only after a house move. (New Carpet Day. Joy!).
I am surrounded by boxes and all manner of wreckage which calls for Serious Decisions... Bin, E-bay (not my forte) or Clean It and Put it Back!
I am having to face the unfortunate truth that I seem to be a bit of a hoarder.
Am attempting a gritting of teeth and a wrestle with a black bin bag or twelve.

(I'm not great at this, being the woman who binned a hand written letter from a member of the Royal Family, no longer with us, whilst keeping some old wrapping paper, no longer even fit for the wrapping of chips.)

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