through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


Last weekend, I went to an Intervarsity Christian fellowship retreat with my chapter from UIC.

It was amazing.

I was in a women's track called Intended to Be, where it focused on our identities as women of God. Through it all, God was reminding me of how much He has in store for me. Even if the ways He's breaking me hurts, I realized last night when I was at my lowest point that just knowing that He's doing all of this out of love helps me to cling on Him more and not give up.

I wish I had my camera but batteries died so I took my roommate's pictures and chose this one. This one picture describes me so well.

I was happy. Food was amazing. I was surrounded by a family.

Thank you.

"Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God
for I will yet praise Him,
my Savior and my God."
Psalm 42:11

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