Tell me what you want.

Still very tired in the mornings. Juno was with the dog walker today so I decided to have more time in bed.

Work was a fantasy of figures.

Second play in the pie, pint and play at the Traverse visited today. Veggie haggis pie and orange juice, it was busy and very few pies left.

It was a double bill of short plays about Argentina's dirty war and the disappeared. Very well done indeed, the second one was a monolog and was very powerful and ultimately sad. Must read up about this chapter of history.

Feeling inspired we bought our tickets for the rest of the Pie, Pint series.

Ran home, felt good and lifted the pace, coming togther this running.

Quiet night in with the family.

Eco mum having been away for a week decided to spice my life up, superb.

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