Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

The biggest...

...birthday cake ever...NOT!

Es is 10 years old today. There's a bit of me that actually can't believe that...Es has been a part of our lives for 10 years! it's a cliche I know but it seems like only yesterday they were telling me I had delivered a wee girl and my heart leapt with joy.

It's a funny old age lots of ways I see her growing up but she still likes to play with her dolls and her new passion Sylvanian Families!

Anyway, Mondays are a really bad day for birthdays...the boys have football and cubs and dinner is a run around the table:-) So the Birthday tea is postponed until tomorrow night Aunty Gill is coming up for that and we will have more time to enjoy it.

Tonight, her Dad found a cup cake and stuck a candle in it for her:-)

Anyway, Happy Birthday cooky girl:-)

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