Wat chedi luang

I've been staying at a wonderful guest house with with my buddy Michele. It is called MoreRelax, and boy is it true! Tucked into a quite side soi in the old city it is a tiny oasis of calm shaded by tall trees and bamboo ringing a grassy courtyard. With all the distraction and noise of the city it can be difficult to concentrate and do work. The peace of this place is gold for me, and I've become friends with the family even. It feels like a home.

Writing and researching all day I finally took a break just before dusk to wander the streets and find a proper blip. Chiang Mai is famous for its many temples and one of the largest in the old city is just down the block. In the center, ruins from the ancient Lanna civilization framed in elephants, buddhas, and naga dragons rises up to form a beautiful crumbling stupa. Surrounding it are even more temples, various shrines to monks and buddha, and tall ancient trees full of birds.

In the creamy light of evening swallows careen over the crumbling temple bricks, returning home from the night to roost in its hollowed eaves...

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