alive to look

By pennultimate

This was one of those thrilling captures for me this morning.
A Superb Lyrebird....(Manura Novaehollandiae),a species all on it's own,and fascinating.
Although they're sort of common around here,I've been trying to photograph one for years without success,until today....feeling very happy about this.
They are ancient Australian animals...The Aust. Museum has fossils dating back 15 million years...Rainforests are their habitat,and they're native to NSW.

To have a look at their beyond amazing mimicry,have a look at "superb lyrebird" on's worth it....It's capable of mimicking almost any sound.

To see one for a start,stop the car,get the camera,point, focus,it all seemed to take so long,even though it was only a nano second....I was holding my breath when I downloaded it,hoping it was in focus...could've been better,could've been worse,but hey...
I missed the end of its tail,behind a tree,but couldn't risk it taking off before I got the shot :)

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