As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Lemon Juice Is A Sanitizer

We can't seem to get rid of this stuff.....last week was a cruel joke. It was so nice outside and it felt like spring but no, it's still winter. :(

I went to the doctor today. I saw Wesley there. That's basically it...

I went for a quick run with Kenny and then I went to a fire at Kev's house. There were a lot of people there. I mostly talked with Kimmy, Kev, Arianna, and Jasmina during the fire and with Jasmina, Arianna, Dan, and Sam when we went to Applebee's for half off apps :) That was such a Jilly thing to do. I had such a great time.

Word of the Day: Inkhorn - Affectedly or ostentatiously learned

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