
Truck drivers have little regard for other vehicles. They overtake like madmen. They kick up large amounts of dust too. I think it was hammer against iron echoing within the pillars of a multi-storeyed building's skeleton that sounded vaguely like a temple's bell. A stretch on the way to work was a village till very recently. There's a haphazard streak to all the construction that's going on.

It was silent and busy at work today. Some lady was retching rather loudly in the loo for quite a while and the sound permeated through the silence of almost half the floor. Much concentrated analysis and a neat wrapping-up of things. I wasn't like this when I was a student. It would be interesting if I could find out what kind of student I will make now.

Through a filmed over window on our floor, saw the village at a distance, the vast green fields with huts lining the edges, trees crowding over the horizon like shrubs while grey clouds chewed into a pale sun. I thought of landscapes, long lenses and high vantage points. I thought of wires and cloning too.

Anyway, have a few guests arriving late tonight. Plan to wind up a meeting and dinner before they do.

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