
By HarryJ

Travel is soooo glamorous...

I'm in Florida. On business, not a vacation. But looking down from my hotel room window this morning, I spotted someone who IS on holiday! And, I saw a circle inside a square

Just getting here was a bit of an achievement in itself.
On the connection from Chicago to Washington, DC, I noticed that there was a long time between flights.
And then I realized.. "Oh no! I fly to Orlando from Dulles, this plane is going to Reagan".
"No problem. Just change airports," I comforted myself.

The people at SuperShuttle were very nice.

"Certainly sir. We'll get you to Dulles airport in plenty of time for your flight sir. It will be a shared ride van sir, and that will be $30, sir. How would you like to pay sir?"

I was last on the bus. Sitting in the front seat, with my briefcase perched precariously on my knees, I didn't take any notice when we arrived at our first drop off, and one gentlemen got out at his front door.
"Thank you!" he shouted to the driver, and off he went.

30 minutes later, at Dulles airport, the realization that the IDIOT who got out at his house had taken MY suitcase, made me want to hit someone. (Or something).
The driver was apologetic. "I'm sorry", he smiled, guiltily.
30 minutes later, we're back at the IDIOT'S house who took MY bag. Luckily for him, only his wife was in, he'd gone out for dinner. But I got my bag, and back to Dulles with no time to spare.

You'd think that would be enough excitement for one day, right?. But wait, there's more

Arriving in Orlando at 30 minutes past midnight with reservation clutched tightly in my grasp, I didn't expect to wait to get my National rental car

I suppose that the other 300 people waiting for their rental car didn't expect to wait either.
But there was not a single rental car to be had. No National, no Avis, No Budget, no nothing.
Something about the Daytona 500, and people not returning their cars on time. (Time to find a cab, quickly)
So here I am, in a Florida hotel room, with no car, and no idea when I can get one. (Oh, and by the way, I have meetings to go to this afternoon. Wish me luck)

Ah well. Until tomorrow...

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