Cats' Eye View

Tape a disposable camera in the middle of a cat box, put the wire grill back in place and stick your arm through from the back so you can wind on the camera.

What you end up with is part 3 of the plan for the camera club challenge (hopefully).

Haggis was one of the subjects I shot from the cats eye view .... others were things like the vet's and the pet shop.

Part 2 was bunging the camera in a clear plastic bag and sticking it in the garden pond (and No - I didn't snap the two dead and bloated frogs which obviously succomed to the winter).

In the afternnon SWMBO and I went out and had to sit in a line of traffic for 5 minutes because nobody could pass the bus because of

this prat taxi driver who refused to move from the bus stop.

thrThe Cygnet ended up being taken out for a walk because the wee horror refused to stop whinging and screaming............he is going through the worlds longest teething without anything even thinking of appearing

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